Another lazy post... like the lazy waterway through Hoi An, boats slipping through water like silk. These shots are from the second floor of Cargo, a fantastic restaurant with Vietnamese fusion cuisine.
Nice ideas on this page. It's rare these days to find sites with data you are seeking. I am delighted I found this page. I will certainly bookmark it or even register for your rss feeds simply to receive your new posts. Sustain the nice job and I'm sure some other people researching valued information can definitely stop by and use your web site for resources. Hvar Island
It looks that the place is so peaceful. I want to try to cross that peaceful river in those boats. I know that it is so much fun riding those wooden boats.
I started my career as an actor and playwright. Now I'm writing novels. I've lived in Toronto, New York, Montreal, Vancouver and Switzerland. My work and interests have taken me traveling to China, Botswana, South Africa, Argentina, Egypt, Turkey, Malawi, Zambia, Thailand, Cuba, Singapore, Mexico, Morocco, and throughout North America and Europe. I also love meeting readers, playing with my cats, eating Ben and Jerrys, and doing readings and writing workshops. To check out my books and awards, please visit my website at:
Nice ideas on this page. It's rare these days to find sites with data you are seeking. I am delighted I found this page. I will certainly bookmark it or even register for your rss feeds simply to receive your new posts. Sustain the nice job and I'm sure some other people researching valued information can definitely stop by and use your web site for resources. Hvar Island
ReplyDeleteI am reminded of my short visit to the countryside of China. The boats, the people, the stillness of a moment. Beautiful.
ReplyDeleteIt looks that the place is so peaceful. I want to try to cross that peaceful river in those boats. I know that it is so much fun riding those wooden boats.
ReplyDeleteRinkesh, Liesl, kitchen table --So glad you dropped by. I've been very bad about posting lately -- summer vacation -- but will get back on it soon. :)